NATO Allies Committee meets with REACT researchers in Brussels
A delegation from REACT was invited by the Science for Peace & Security Programme (SPS) Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD) directorate to present its achievements. In a Brussels that was armored due to a terrorist attack in conjunction with the Belgium-Sweden soccer match, permanent diplomatic representatives to NATO met with researchers from the REACT project who presented possible applications of the platform.
In Tbilisi the 3rd REACT meeting "Towards an autonomous implementation of the REACT platform"
After meetings in Rome (December 2021), Venice (October 2022) it will be the Georgian capital that will bring together the REACT Research Group, a group increasingly motivated to take to the highest operational level a platform already proven in a dozen different contexts, from St. Mark's Square to Tbilisi Botanical Garden, from soccer stadiums to elementary school...
An ambitious and well-organized program by Ilia State University in which the results achieved were discussed with Scientists and Diplomats.